
Showing posts from January, 2018

तित्वालको कुकुर

सादत हसन मन्तो अनुवादः महेश पौड्याल सिमानामा, एउटा गरिहो उपत्यकाले छुट्याएका दुई सीमावर्ती पाहाडका टुप्पामा पाकिस्तानी र भारतीय सैनिकहरू धेरै सातादेखि आ–आफ्नै हिसाबले तैनाथ थिए । यदाकदा सनिने बन्दुकका दर्जनौँ राउण्ड आवाजबाहेक अन्य कुनै प्रकारको युद्ध भैरहेको थिएन । मौसम अत्यन्तै आनन्ददायी थियो । बतासमा जङ्गली फूलहरूको महक मिसिएको थियो र चट्टानपछाडि लुकेका र पहाडको झाडीमा छद्म पोशाकमा छरिएका सैनिकहरूबाट बेखबर प्रकृति आफ्नै स्वभाविक गतिमा अघि बडिरेहेको थियो । चराहरू सधैझै सङ्गीत भर्नमै मस्त थिए र फूलहरू फुलिनै रहेका थिए । माहुरीहरू गुनुगुनु गर्दै वरिपरि भनुभुनाइ रहन्थे थिए । अचानक कतैबाट एउटा गोलीको आवाज आएपछि मात्रै चराहरू सङ्गीतज्ञले सितारको तारमा एक्कासि झटका दिएजस्तै गरी आत्तिएर तितर–बितर हुन्थे  ।  सेप्टेम्बरको अन्तिमतिरको कुरो हो । न जाडो, न गर्मी । ग्रीष्म र शिशिरकले युद्धबिराम गरेजस्तो लाग्दथ्यो । माथि आकाशमा कपासजस्ता बादलहरू तालका डुङ्गाजस्तै तैरिरहेका थिए ।  सैनिकहरू भने ठोस केही नहुने यो अनिर्णायक युद्धबाट दिक्क भएजस्ता थिए । उनीहरूका बीच हारजितक...

Little Masters: Stories about Children

Little Masters (Stories about Children) Mahesh Paudyal To all those children of the world, who have not been understood by the adults A few words.... Most of the stories in this collection have been derived from real-life situations, while some are pure fictions. The ones that are real chronicle the tale of some of my students whom I could never understand as a teacher. My readers, if they are teachers might be pained by the revelation, but the experiences are my personal, and hence are the confessions of my own weaknesses. Yet, I believe that many teachers who read these stories will not be able to help biting their lower lips on finding their own reflections in the stories, though they may never tell it out or write for a thousand requests. I am convinced that our children get spoilt because we seldom try to understand their personal and internal worlds. Our egos and vaniti...